"Processing . . ."
PROS Property Search
Town of Royalton, NY
--Select Municipality--
Niagara County
City of Lockport
City of N. Tonawanda
City of Niagara Falls
Town of Cambria
Town of Hartland
Town of Lewiston
Town of Lockport
Town of Newfane
Town of Niagara
Town of Pendleton
Town of Porter
Town of Royalton
Town of Somerset
Town of Wheatfield
Town of Wilson
Advanced Property Search Form
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The below search can be used to find sales based on various filters, such as sales date ranges. Please note: any search returned with no sale price usually indicates the sale is not an "arm's length" sale.
By using this search, you agree to the terms in
our disclaimer
Sale Date Min
Sale Date max
--Select One--
22150 -
36150 -
36340 -
36350 -
36360 -
Street Name
--Select One--
Akron Rd
Alfred St
Arnold Rd
Bartel Rd
Ben Way
Berner Pkwy
Block Church Rd
Bolton Rd
Bowen Rd
Boyer Rd
Bulmore Rd
Bunker Hill Rd
Butler Pkwy
Canal Rd
Canal St
Carmen Rd
Carolyn St
Cemetery St
Centennial St
Central Ave
Chestnut Ridge Rd
Church St
Cottage Ct
Cottage Ln
Cottage Rd
County Line Rd
Dale Rd
Deer View Dr
Dewhirst Rd
Ditch Rd
Drum Rd
Dysinger Rd
East Ave
East High St
Electric Transmission
Elizabeth St
Emerson Pl
Ernest Rd
Ertman Rd
Fairview Dr
Fisk Rd
Foote Rd
Forest Rd
Francis St
Freeman Ave
Freeman Rd
Front St
Gas Transmission
Gasport Rd
Graham Rd
Grayce Ave
Griswold St
Grove Rd
Hammond Pkwy
Hammond Pwky
Hartland Rd
Hartland St
Haseley Rd
High St Ext
Highland Dr
Hofert Rd
Hollenbeck Rd
Jackson St
Johnson Rd
Kayner Rd
Kelly Ave
Kinne Rd
Lewiston Rd
Lewiston Rd - N
Lincoln Ave
Lincoln Ave Ext
Lincoln Dr
Locust Dr
Mack Ave
Mack Rd
Mackey Rd
Main St
Mann Rd
Manor Ln
Maple Ave
Maplewood Dr
March Rd
Mcnair Rd
Mechanic St
Mill Rd
Mill St
Miller Rd
Mountain Rd
Moyer Rd
Mp 45.01 To 45.06
Mp 46.01 To 52.93
Mp44.80 To 45.01
Mp45.53 To 45.06
Mp46.00 To 45.53
Myrtle Ave
Old Dysinger Rd
Orangeport Rd
Orchard Pl
Orchard St
Outside Plant
Park Ave
Peet St
Prospect St
Quaker Rd
Rapids Rd
Richardson Rd
Riddle Rd
Robert's Way
Robertson St
Rochester Rd
Roosevelt Dr
Root Rd
Royal Dr
Royalton Center Rd
Sherman St
Simms Rd
Singer Rd
Slayton Settlement Rd
Special Franchise
State Rd
State St
Sunset Ter
Taylor St
Telegraph Rd
Terry St
Tonawanda Creek Rd
Town Line Rd
Transmission Land
Transmission Line
Vernon St
Ward Rd
Washington Ave
Washington St
Watson Ave
West Ave
William St
Wolcottsville Rd
Woodridge Dr
Wruck Rd
Owner Name (Last, First)
Property Class
--Select One--
100 - Agricultural
105 - Vac farmland
110 - Livestock
111 - Poultry farm
112 - Dairy farm
113 - Cattle farm
114 - Sheep farm
115 - Bee products
116 - Other stock
117 - Horse farm
120 - Field crops
129 - Land rights
130 - Mucklands
140 - Truck crops
150 - Orchard crop
151 - Fruit crop
152 - Vineyard
160 - Berry/others
170 - Nursery
180 - Special farm
181 - Fur products
182 - Pheasant
183 - Oyst/fsh/aqp
184 - Xotic lvestk
190 - Game presrve
200 - Residential
210 - 1 Family Res
215 - 1 Fam Res w/Apt
220 - 2 Family Res
230 - 3 Family Res
240 - Rural res
241 - Rural res&ag
242 - Rurl res&rec
250 - Estate
260 - Seasonal res
270 - Mfg housing
271 - Mfg housings
280 - Res Multiple
281 - Multiple res
283 - Res w/Comuse
300 - Vacant Land
310 - Res Vac
311 - Res vac land
312 - Vac w/imprv
314 - Rural vac<10
315 - Underwtr lnd
320 - Rural vacant
321 - Abandoned ag
322 - Rural vac>10
323 - Vacant rural
330 - Vacant comm
331 - Com vac w/imp
340 - Vacant indus
341 - Ind vac w/imp
350 - Urban renewl
351 - Res Shell Bldg
352 - Comm Shell Bldg
380 - Pub Util Vac
400 - Commercial
410 - Living accom
411 - Apartment
414 - Hotel
415 - Motel
416 - Mfg hsing pk
417 - Cottages
418 - Inn/lodge
420 - Dining est.
421 - Restaurant
422 - Diner/lunch
423 - Snack bar
424 - Night club
425 - Bar
426 - Fast food
430 - Mtor veh srv
431 - Auto dealer
432 - Gas station
433 - Auto body
434 - Auto carwash
435 - Man car wash
436 - Self carwash
437 - Parking gar
438 - Parking lot
439 - Sm park gar
440 - Warehouse
441 - Fuel Store&Dist
442 - MiniWhseSelfSto
443 - Feed sales
444 - Lumber yd/ml
445 - Coal yard
446 - Cold storage
447 - Truck termnl
448 - Pier / wharf
449 - Other Storage
450 - Retail srvce
451 - Reg shop ctr
452 - Nbh shop ctr
453 - Large retail
454 - Supermarket
455 - Dealer-prod.
456 - Medium Retail
457 - Small Retail
460 - Bank/Office
461 - Bank
462 - Branch bank
463 - Bank complex
464 - Office bldg.
465 - Prof. bldg.
470 - Misc service
471 - Funeral home
472 - Kennel / vet
473 - Greenhouse
474 - Billboard
475 - Junkyard
480 - Mult-use bld
481 - Att row bldg
482 - Det row bldg
483 - Converted Res
484 - 1 use sm bld
485 - >1use sm bld
486 - Mini-mart
500 - Rec & Entertn
510 - Entertainmnt
511 - Legit theatr
512 - Movie theatr
513 - Drive-in
514 - Auditorium
515 - Media studio
520 - Sports arena
521 - Stadium
522 - Racetrack
530 - Amusement
531 - Fairground
532 - Amusemt park
533 - Game farm
534 - Social org.
540 - Indoor sport
541 - Bowlng alley
542 - Indoor rink
543 - Ymca or ywca
544 - Health spa
545 - Indoor swim
546 - Oth Ind Sport
550 - Outdr sports
551 - Ski area
552 - Golf course
553 - Country club
554 - Outdr swim
555 - Ridng stable
556 - Outdoor rink
557 - Outdr sport
560 - Imprvd beach
570 - Marina
580 - Camping fac
581 - Chd/adt camp
582 - Camping park
583 - Resort cmplx
590 - Park
591 - Playground
592 - Athletic fld
593 - Picnic site
600 - Community Ser
610 - Education
611 - Library
612 - School
613 - College/univ
614 - Spec. school
615 - Educatn fac
620 - Religious
630 - Welfare
631 - Orphanage
632 - Benevolent
633 - Aged - home
640 - Health care
641 - Hospital
642 - Health bldg
650 - Government
651 - Highway gar
652 - Govt bldgs
653 - Govt pk lot
660 - Protection
661 - Military
662 - Police/fire
670 - Correctional
680 - Cult & rec
681 - Culture bldg
682 - Rec facility
690 - Misc com srv
691 - Proffes assc
692 - Road/str/hwy
693 - Indian resrv
694 - Animal welfr
695 - Cemetery
700 - Industrial
710 - Manufacture
712 - HighTecManufctr
714 - Lite Ind Manftr
715 - Heavy Manufactr
720 - Mining
730 - Well
731 - Oil-natural
732 - Oil-forced
733 - Gas well
734 - Junk well
735 - Water well
736 - Storage well
740 - Ind pipeline
741 - Gas pipeline
742 - Water pipeln
743 - Brine pipeln
744 - Petro prod
749 - Other pipeln
800 - Public Service
820 - Water-public
821 - Flood contrl
822 - Water supply
823 - Water Treat
826 - Water Transm
827 - Water Dist
830 - Communicatin
831 - Tele Comm
832 - Telegraph
833 - Radio
834 - Non-cable tv
835 - Cable tv
836 - Telecom. eq.
837 - Cell Tower
840 - Transportatn
841 - Motr veh srv
842 - Ceiling rr
843 - Non-ceil. rr
844 - Air transprt
845 - Water Transp
846 - Connectors
847 - Petro pipeln
850 - Waste dispsl
851 - Solid waste
852 - Landfill
853 - Sewage
854 - Air pollutn
860 - Spec fran.
861 - Elec & gas
862 - Water
866 - Telephone
867 - Misc franchs
868 - Pipeline
869 - Television
870 - Elect & Gas
871 - Elec-Gas Facil
872 - Elec-Substation
873 - Gas Meas Sta
874 - Elec-hydro
875 - Elec-fossil
876 - Elec-nuclear
877 - Elc Pwr Othr
878 - Solar
879 - Wind
880 - Elec-Gas Trans
882 - Elec Trans Imp
883 - Gas Trans Impr
884 - Elec Dist Out
885 - Gas Outside Pla
900 - Wild, Forest..
910 - Priv forest
911 - Forest s480
912 - Forest s480a
920 - Priv Hunt/Fish
930 - State forest
931 - Forest s532a
932 - Forest s532b
940 - Reforstation
941 - SOL reforest
942 - Co. reforest
950 - Hud riv reg
960 - Public park
961 - State park
962 - County park
963 - Municpl park
970 - Wild lands
971 - Wetlands
972 - Underwater
980 - Consvn easmt
990 - Taxabl state
991 - Adirondack p
992 - Hrbrrd agg
993 - Transition t
994 - Transition e
Square Feet Min
Square Feet Max
Year Built Min
Year Built Max
Sale Price Min
Sale Price Max
Land Assessed Value Min
Land Assessed Value Max
Total Assessed Value Min
Total Assessed Value Max
House Style
--Select One--
01 - Ranch
02 - Raised ranch
03 - Split level
04 - Cape cod
05 - Colonial
06 - Contemporary
07 - Mansion
08 - Old style
09 - Cottage
10 - Row
11 - Log home
12 - Duplex
13 - Bungalow
14 - Other style
15 - Townhouse
16 - A-Frame
17 - Manuf'd Housing
Bedrooms Min
Bedrooms Max
Bathrooms Min
Bathrooms Max
--Select One--
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Normal
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
Basement Type
--Select One--
1 - Slab/pier
2 - Crawl
3 - Partial
4 - Full
--Select One--
1 - Pond
2 - River
3 - Lake
4 - Canal
5 - Ocean
6 - Bay
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